On a less light .... Note
Si vous êtes tanné d'entendre un paquet de tatas cracher leur venin sur les immigrants comme s'ils représentaient l'ensemble du Québec, vous pouvez signer une pétition içi .
Je suis loin d'être d'accord avec certaines demandes de certains extrémistes religieux, mais il faut comprendre qu'ils sont une infime minorité. Dans un commentaire fait sur le blogue de Martin Petit, je disais que lorsqu'on va lever le ton pour dire à ces intégristes de prendre leur trou, qu'ils allaient comprendre. Je ne pensais pas que certains en profiteraient pour spit on anyone who does not put lard in their turbines or taking more time than their wives to make beautiful curly strands well.
If you want to add your voice to understand that the Quebec native has nothing to do with the Quebec colon Hérouxville , you can click here .
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Best Masterbation Vids
light more ...
Not that I want to sweat Mr. Omo-erectus, but it falls stack with the commentary on my last post. These are pictures of beer ads that you see on the street and the other (sorry this is not PCQ very clear) is advertising a place where you can make international calls. In Peru and in the vicinity, most pubs are doing well. The question of the day, BUT WHERE IS DAVID WHEN FRANCES IN NEED ?????
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Descargar American Dad Doujinshi
On a lighter note .....
on Frecuencia Latina, a Peruvian television station, they have a sniper, Jaime Bayle . Say it is not exactly the face of our favorite maverick (the other one does not care). Ours has better speed, claro !!!!!
How can people who love to let him out with a head like this morning. What about his bosses who are solely those of the readers of new mini-skirts with teetotum throat. It is true that here there is still the time to sell refrigerators you put a girl in g-string on the top. Two weights, two measures ?????
Regarding advertising, they do not make me buy fridges so far but I hate them because I find it embarrassing to walk with a bandage on the street ........
on Frecuencia Latina, a Peruvian television station, they have a sniper, Jaime Bayle . Say it is not exactly the face of our favorite maverick (the other one does not care). Ours has better speed, claro !!!!!
How can people who love to let him out with a head like this morning. What about his bosses who are solely those of the readers of new mini-skirts with teetotum throat. It is true that here there is still the time to sell refrigerators you put a girl in g-string on the top. Two weights, two measures ?????
Regarding advertising, they do not make me buy fridges so far but I hate them because I find it embarrassing to walk with a bandage on the street ........
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Casts For Ligament Surgery In Ankle
Do you know Andre Pepin, the rapist??
I do not know if I had to write this text because there are people in my family who come here to read me. I want them to know that all is well and I have chosen this moment to speak because here in Peru, we can not do anything to me. I do not have to answer some questions that no more, and I can live with that ....
In life there are those people who break the lives of people around them just to satisfy their need for control. The legacy that will live with their victims is irrelevant, not even at all. A few months ago, I received an email from a friend that I have not seen for 20 years. I met with him and another friend, the most difficult moments of my life, worse than prison. And after 20 years he told me he had to talk to me because I am the only one who could understand him. I knew what he wanted me talk about myself because I tried that friend for 10 years because I wanted to talk to him ...... My friend
he just told me to get out of the hell of drugs last year, I was lucky to be able to get out 20 years ago. You should probably know that 87, when we saw each day was to freeze like crazy, as was done for 3-4 years. 84, was the year where everything was rushed to us. L, E and I had always had a rebellious side. We knew all the acid, then the hash, then mescaline, but it had never touched cocaine. We all went to school. It does not put all the effort, but it was not like caves, so we managed to be above average. I could be well over, but I did not particularly like school, and I always had a lazy side, so I contented myself to be above average.
We never froze at school, but the day someone put something in my glass, all this must change. I was at the Brasserie de la Plaza, Tracy on our lunch hour. I had met Dede, a friend of my friends, a lot older, I do not know how many years more, but I would say at least 15 more, around 30 years. we had a few beers, and as I was too drunk to go to school, he told me that I could go home to rest.
I always had this little side naive that I did not realize how much some people may have bad intentions. So I drove home the time school finishes and I can go home without arousing suspicion. With him, I lost the card and I do not remember anything. I had to suffer the consequences of a mixture of beer and Alcion. At first, I did not understand what had happened, I had been drinking only 4-5 beers and I lost the card for hours. Certainly, I was abused .... In the scale of abuse, it is surely at the bottom of the ladder, but when you are 14 years old and you're weak, that marks ...
For years I had it in mind. I did not know what to think. I asked so many questions, and I never found the answers. I was shy to be sick. I have almost no pictures of me because I was embarrassed. I did not go for girls because I was shy. As my friends have been abused by the same muddy repeatedly at the same time, our consumption of drugs have skyrocketed at the same time and for the same reasons. At that time, we did not want to know anything and anyone. It was destroying itself. When you geles the binn, it's funny how we forget, but basically it's still deeply in us until the day we decide to fix what is wrong in our lives for years.
By pure chance, as I write these few words, plays on TV in Peru, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd. What about Pink Floyd, except that I wanted to die so many times by listening during my adolescence. Filled with acid, we thought we were low for being abused. We thought we were responsible, maybe we were gay. Of course being gay would have had nothing wrong, but we wanted to know otherwise ..... We hated everybody, it was thought that everyone hated us. Of André Pépin, there are plenty, but he was working at Atlas Steel, or ITQs, it was a bizarre case in the neck, and he went to prison for sexual abuse to the years 87-88. He paid for some of his actions disgusting but he made a mistake, the mistake of his life, he abused me.
I spent with difficulties à travers son abus, mais j'ai passé à travers. J'ai pu arrêter de me shooter après quelques mois d'enfer. J'ai surmonté 14 années de prison avec les pires criminels, au point où à la fin j'en faisais partie. Sur une base régulière j'ai frôlé la mort sans broncher. Je ne désire plus mourir depuis longtemps, mais la mort ne m'effraie pas. Pépin, tu as commis l'erreur de t'attaquer à plus fort que toi , il est maintenant temps de payer le bill. La facture sera salée, je pense que tu es sur le bord de la faillite. Quel dommage que je ne peux le faire moi-même. Mais ce n'est pas grave, tu ne penses peux être plus à moi, mais quand tu vas entendre mon nom, tu go to pray in vain .... my fucking dog .....
I do not know if I had to write this text because there are people in my family who come here to read me. I want them to know that all is well and I have chosen this moment to speak because here in Peru, we can not do anything to me. I do not have to answer some questions that no more, and I can live with that ....
In life there are those people who break the lives of people around them just to satisfy their need for control. The legacy that will live with their victims is irrelevant, not even at all. A few months ago, I received an email from a friend that I have not seen for 20 years. I met with him and another friend, the most difficult moments of my life, worse than prison. And after 20 years he told me he had to talk to me because I am the only one who could understand him. I knew what he wanted me talk about myself because I tried that friend for 10 years because I wanted to talk to him ...... My friend
he just told me to get out of the hell of drugs last year, I was lucky to be able to get out 20 years ago. You should probably know that 87, when we saw each day was to freeze like crazy, as was done for 3-4 years. 84, was the year where everything was rushed to us. L, E and I had always had a rebellious side. We knew all the acid, then the hash, then mescaline, but it had never touched cocaine. We all went to school. It does not put all the effort, but it was not like caves, so we managed to be above average. I could be well over, but I did not particularly like school, and I always had a lazy side, so I contented myself to be above average.
We never froze at school, but the day someone put something in my glass, all this must change. I was at the Brasserie de la Plaza, Tracy on our lunch hour. I had met Dede, a friend of my friends, a lot older, I do not know how many years more, but I would say at least 15 more, around 30 years. we had a few beers, and as I was too drunk to go to school, he told me that I could go home to rest.
I always had this little side naive that I did not realize how much some people may have bad intentions. So I drove home the time school finishes and I can go home without arousing suspicion. With him, I lost the card and I do not remember anything. I had to suffer the consequences of a mixture of beer and Alcion. At first, I did not understand what had happened, I had been drinking only 4-5 beers and I lost the card for hours. Certainly, I was abused .... In the scale of abuse, it is surely at the bottom of the ladder, but when you are 14 years old and you're weak, that marks ...
For years I had it in mind. I did not know what to think. I asked so many questions, and I never found the answers. I was shy to be sick. I have almost no pictures of me because I was embarrassed. I did not go for girls because I was shy. As my friends have been abused by the same muddy repeatedly at the same time, our consumption of drugs have skyrocketed at the same time and for the same reasons. At that time, we did not want to know anything and anyone. It was destroying itself. When you geles the binn, it's funny how we forget, but basically it's still deeply in us until the day we decide to fix what is wrong in our lives for years.
By pure chance, as I write these few words, plays on TV in Peru, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd. What about Pink Floyd, except that I wanted to die so many times by listening during my adolescence. Filled with acid, we thought we were low for being abused. We thought we were responsible, maybe we were gay. Of course being gay would have had nothing wrong, but we wanted to know otherwise ..... We hated everybody, it was thought that everyone hated us. Of André Pépin, there are plenty, but he was working at Atlas Steel, or ITQs, it was a bizarre case in the neck, and he went to prison for sexual abuse to the years 87-88. He paid for some of his actions disgusting but he made a mistake, the mistake of his life, he abused me.
I spent with difficulties à travers son abus, mais j'ai passé à travers. J'ai pu arrêter de me shooter après quelques mois d'enfer. J'ai surmonté 14 années de prison avec les pires criminels, au point où à la fin j'en faisais partie. Sur une base régulière j'ai frôlé la mort sans broncher. Je ne désire plus mourir depuis longtemps, mais la mort ne m'effraie pas. Pépin, tu as commis l'erreur de t'attaquer à plus fort que toi , il est maintenant temps de payer le bill. La facture sera salée, je pense que tu es sur le bord de la faillite. Quel dommage que je ne peux le faire moi-même. Mais ce n'est pas grave, tu ne penses peux être plus à moi, mais quand tu vas entendre mon nom, tu go to pray in vain .... my fucking dog .....
Friday, September 21, 2007
The best moves are sometimes the ones you do not ..... It is not
In a recent adventures of taxi at night The deal, Pierre-Leon says he was nervous when he gave a ride to three blacks to the North Gate. Three black-looking gansta-rap wanted to get a deal done by taxi. What they could do well at the North Gate? I do not know, but I doubt that Pierre-Leon was nervous because there is not thinking very long. Do we agree that if three guys who sell drugs do not even have a car, it must be because their business is not very profitable. It was certainly not the deal of the century .....
In terms of knowing what was in the bag, he had good reason not to want to know. The brilliant manager of the Inter-Marché on rue Fleury can do without a paper. One day when I came back from the gym foot, I had become stopped to buy two or three little things for the home. Rendered to the fund, I realized that I had forgotten something. As it was almost my turn to pay for my items, I hesitated to pick up what I missed because I did not want people waiting behind me. Finally I decided to pay my things and come back another day for the rest.
With his flair grocer, the teetotum over there this afternoon, thought that my reluctance to go to the box revealed something suspicious, gender, shoplifter. So when I showed up at the exit, he was with 2 or 3 other boys grocery and asked me if it was possible to open my duffel bag. In other circumstances, I found it insulting and I would have a perverse pleasure to insult him in turn to show him that there was a hole-in-ass and he better to close his big mouth and let me pass. But when about 10 times the Canadian average in his bag, and powder to meet Eric Clapton for 5 years, the coming of the canine is most appreciated. So I simply tell him that I would open my bag, I did not think he would see what he wanted and the second after I closed my bag, it was better to return to his job and me squealing patience. Notice that I firmly believed that was appropriate in order to leave as soon as possible, hahaha !!!!!
grocery boys who shook their head, gave me the impression that they had realized long before their genius boss. Then I opened my bag to show him my booty and with her voice trembling he confirmed having mistaken and that I could leave ....
All that to say that yes, there are times where it's better not to know.
In a recent adventures of taxi at night The deal, Pierre-Leon says he was nervous when he gave a ride to three blacks to the North Gate. Three black-looking gansta-rap wanted to get a deal done by taxi. What they could do well at the North Gate? I do not know, but I doubt that Pierre-Leon was nervous because there is not thinking very long. Do we agree that if three guys who sell drugs do not even have a car, it must be because their business is not very profitable. It was certainly not the deal of the century .....
In terms of knowing what was in the bag, he had good reason not to want to know. The brilliant manager of the Inter-Marché on rue Fleury can do without a paper. One day when I came back from the gym foot, I had become stopped to buy two or three little things for the home. Rendered to the fund, I realized that I had forgotten something. As it was almost my turn to pay for my items, I hesitated to pick up what I missed because I did not want people waiting behind me. Finally I decided to pay my things and come back another day for the rest.
With his flair grocer, the teetotum over there this afternoon, thought that my reluctance to go to the box revealed something suspicious, gender, shoplifter. So when I showed up at the exit, he was with 2 or 3 other boys grocery and asked me if it was possible to open my duffel bag. In other circumstances, I found it insulting and I would have a perverse pleasure to insult him in turn to show him that there was a hole-in-ass and he better to close his big mouth and let me pass. But when about 10 times the Canadian average in his bag, and powder to meet Eric Clapton for 5 years, the coming of the canine is most appreciated. So I simply tell him that I would open my bag, I did not think he would see what he wanted and the second after I closed my bag, it was better to return to his job and me squealing patience. Notice that I firmly believed that was appropriate in order to leave as soon as possible, hahaha !!!!!
grocery boys who shook their head, gave me the impression that they had realized long before their genius boss. Then I opened my bag to show him my booty and with her voice trembling he confirmed having mistaken and that I could leave ....
All that to say that yes, there are times where it's better not to know.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Funeral Guestbook Quotes
Peru ....

Again, the fourth in nine months, I'm in Peru. I wanted to write a little note from 5 aircraft (Lima-Mexico-Guadalajara-Vallarta-Mexico-Montreal) to say that there Peru tourists and business people and there pérouanais of Peru.
Yesterday in two and a half hours from Lima to Huacho, I saw desert landscapes, the sea, the rich landscapes and pérouanais. One woman told me how much she loved the richness of children. She did not want children in poverty, but as she knew she was able to feed and take care, she was glad to have had 6.
The taxi, a man so kind and attentive, we requested $ 120 for 5 hours by car and four and a half hours of waiting. I gave her 150, it is as I gave him 1 million. There are some who do it for $ 70 at the Marriott and they have done for about $ 700 but Mercedes.
I also saw tens of thousand of houses not even big enough to put my mower.
Peru's Machu Picchu, Cusco, Miraflores, San Isidro for us, but Peru pérouanais of "this is not the Peru" is the working day for little money, .... . but luckily there's pérouanais Peru, without them it seems to me that AC is not the same thing .........
Yesterday in two and a half hours from Lima to Huacho, I saw desert landscapes, the sea, the rich landscapes and pérouanais. One woman told me how much she loved the richness of children. She did not want children in poverty, but as she knew she was able to feed and take care, she was glad to have had 6.
The taxi, a man so kind and attentive, we requested $ 120 for 5 hours by car and four and a half hours of waiting. I gave her 150, it is as I gave him 1 million. There are some who do it for $ 70 at the Marriott and they have done for about $ 700 but Mercedes.
I also saw tens of thousand of houses not even big enough to put my mower.
Peru's Machu Picchu, Cusco, Miraflores, San Isidro for us, but Peru pérouanais of "this is not the Peru" is the working day for little money, .... . but luckily there's pérouanais Peru, without them it seems to me that AC is not the same thing .........
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Best Place To Place A Screech Owl Box
Where were you September 11, 2001??
What can we say about September 11, 2001 which has not been said?? I guess everyone remembers where they were on this sunny morning. As I never do things like others, I was with a group that warmly applauded the collapse of both towers. In fact, at the time of crushing, they were like all of us unbelievers, but losrque towers have collapsed, they could not hold back and they jumped with shouts of joy that came with it. I was with terrorists ....
That morning, I was sleeping when I heard screams. I heard:''THERE'S A FIGHT!! THERE'S A FIGHT !!!!!'' I saw all the people near the windows watching the street. So I approached to see what was happening. As we were on the 5th floor, I looked down to see where there was a street fight. But I quickly realized that there was not but A FIGHT FIRE. Facing us, there was a huge hole created by the first impact in the tower. Then we have not seen the second aircraft crashing, but we saw the explosion on the side facing us. I'll always remember that when the first tower collapse, I do not understand what was happening. It seemed impossible.
In this prison of immigration in New York that day, there was the cousin of Ahmed Rassam, there was therefore an Egyptian woman living in Montreal, and there were many other people waiting for deportation their associations with terrorist groups. The first few minutes were full of pressure, but when the towers fell and the terrorists were set to banging in the back, shouting with joy in front of the guards that they had the desire to cry, Oh, that is downright amazing.
Had they been in a regular prison, they would be killed on the field. In the same way as the culprits in the first attack on the WTC have been put out the eyes in the first minute they arrive in their prison in NY. This time the guards had to send the terrorists in a dormitory of about 200 people without protection. They deliberately leave the premises unattended to allow inmates to do what they had to do. But
September 11, 2001, we were in jail on immigration, there, where the majority of people confessed hatred for the U.S. government since they would be deported. As these are places with lots of video surveillance, I do not think there are many who have won their appeal on their deportation .....
As the government needed all the available agents, we have all been transferred the same night in different locations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I am one of the few who was able to use the Holland Tunnel that night, but I'm not sure it was a chance (to be continued in a another post )....
I must admit with some shame, that I myself was very pleased with what was happening. I've never had any thoughts for the families, I was just glad that Bush's dog finally pays the bill. Although I do not like it more, I see how bin Laden is a thousand times worse than Bush. In addition, because of this terrorist act, the world had to stand trial over four years.
What can we say about September 11, 2001 which has not been said?? I guess everyone remembers where they were on this sunny morning. As I never do things like others, I was with a group that warmly applauded the collapse of both towers. In fact, at the time of crushing, they were like all of us unbelievers, but losrque towers have collapsed, they could not hold back and they jumped with shouts of joy that came with it. I was with terrorists ....
That morning, I was sleeping when I heard screams. I heard:''THERE'S A FIGHT!! THERE'S A FIGHT !!!!!'' I saw all the people near the windows watching the street. So I approached to see what was happening. As we were on the 5th floor, I looked down to see where there was a street fight. But I quickly realized that there was not but A FIGHT FIRE. Facing us, there was a huge hole created by the first impact in the tower. Then we have not seen the second aircraft crashing, but we saw the explosion on the side facing us. I'll always remember that when the first tower collapse, I do not understand what was happening. It seemed impossible.
In this prison of immigration in New York that day, there was the cousin of Ahmed Rassam, there was therefore an Egyptian woman living in Montreal, and there were many other people waiting for deportation their associations with terrorist groups. The first few minutes were full of pressure, but when the towers fell and the terrorists were set to banging in the back, shouting with joy in front of the guards that they had the desire to cry, Oh, that is downright amazing.
Had they been in a regular prison, they would be killed on the field. In the same way as the culprits in the first attack on the WTC have been put out the eyes in the first minute they arrive in their prison in NY. This time the guards had to send the terrorists in a dormitory of about 200 people without protection. They deliberately leave the premises unattended to allow inmates to do what they had to do. But
September 11, 2001, we were in jail on immigration, there, where the majority of people confessed hatred for the U.S. government since they would be deported. As these are places with lots of video surveillance, I do not think there are many who have won their appeal on their deportation .....
As the government needed all the available agents, we have all been transferred the same night in different locations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I am one of the few who was able to use the Holland Tunnel that night, but I'm not sure it was a chance (to be continued in a another post )....
I must admit with some shame, that I myself was very pleased with what was happening. I've never had any thoughts for the families, I was just glad that Bush's dog finally pays the bill. Although I do not like it more, I see how bin Laden is a thousand times worse than Bush. In addition, because of this terrorist act, the world had to stand trial over four years.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My Son's Belly Is Swollen
comment following a comment ...
Following a post 1 st June on services for inmates with mental health problems, I received this comment.
Hi, I'm
stumbled upon your site ... my spouse is presently to Bordeaux for a sentence of 6 months ... after his third or two months we shall condition outside with the halfway house ... 3 days later my husband pete his boat and finds himself again at Bordeaux conclusion .. he is bipolar and crisis mania ¨ ° ... know need to understand the disease .. unfortunately my husband does not realize anything ... any way his first crisis dates back 20 years and it is a thing of the past ... I deplore correctional c is the omerta .. I have advised agent Higher to note that the illness of my spouse and I asked if I could have monitored the .. answer was NO .. then I do not care whether it is .. yet he calls me 2 or 3 times a day and I see he does not go well .. going to have to happen there qqchose serious before qqun has inside walls lighter: (
There are times where chance would have it, you're welcome.
At first I said I thought they were so thick not to give follow-up, then I remembered that I have already condemned the fact that therapies were not confidential and that in doing so, the detainees would not be truly open for fear of retaliation from correctional service. By cons they could give indications of whether or not undergoing therapy. It seems that in the event it is not followed, the wife would be the best person to convince him to go.
imagine how it must be difficult to combine with both the illness of his spouse and his imprisonment, I wish him courage and hope that this man will receive appropriate treatment ....
In the public as in life, common sense is pas toujours au rendez-vous. Un membre de ma famille qui souffre de schizophrénie s'est déjà présenté à la banque pour y retirer 50 000$ (il me semble) qu'il voulait donné à une personne inconnue. Heureusement, le bon jugement du gérant de banque a fait qu'il avait appelé un membre de la famille. Bien sur le geste était illégal, mais le bon sens a prévalu., ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas.... Grâce au bon jugement de ce gérant de banque, si un jour cet homme avait besoin de son argent pour avoir de meilleur soins, il n'y aura pas de problèmes.
Following a post 1 st June on services for inmates with mental health problems, I received this comment.
Hi, I'm
stumbled upon your site ... my spouse is presently to Bordeaux for a sentence of 6 months ... after his third or two months we shall condition outside with the halfway house ... 3 days later my husband pete his boat and finds himself again at Bordeaux conclusion .. he is bipolar and crisis mania ¨ ° ... know need to understand the disease .. unfortunately my husband does not realize anything ... any way his first crisis dates back 20 years and it is a thing of the past ... I deplore correctional c is the omerta .. I have advised agent Higher to note that the illness of my spouse and I asked if I could have monitored the .. answer was NO .. then I do not care whether it is .. yet he calls me 2 or 3 times a day and I see he does not go well .. going to have to happen there qqchose serious before qqun has inside walls lighter: (
There are times where chance would have it, you're welcome.
At first I said I thought they were so thick not to give follow-up, then I remembered that I have already condemned the fact that therapies were not confidential and that in doing so, the detainees would not be truly open for fear of retaliation from correctional service. By cons they could give indications of whether or not undergoing therapy. It seems that in the event it is not followed, the wife would be the best person to convince him to go.
imagine how it must be difficult to combine with both the illness of his spouse and his imprisonment, I wish him courage and hope that this man will receive appropriate treatment ....
In the public as in life, common sense is pas toujours au rendez-vous. Un membre de ma famille qui souffre de schizophrénie s'est déjà présenté à la banque pour y retirer 50 000$ (il me semble) qu'il voulait donné à une personne inconnue. Heureusement, le bon jugement du gérant de banque a fait qu'il avait appelé un membre de la famille. Bien sur le geste était illégal, mais le bon sens a prévalu., ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas.... Grâce au bon jugement de ce gérant de banque, si un jour cet homme avait besoin de son argent pour avoir de meilleur soins, il n'y aura pas de problèmes.
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