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Before purchasing
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The first thing to do before tot is not to rush. Take time to find out about prices in your country "target". Compare over a long period (minimum 1 month) to soak pricing practices and ask about the model (mechanical problems, power, maintenance, etc. ...)/ p>
Before leaving, too, remember not meet the following papers:
The purchase contract, you have carefully prepared in the language of the country of purchase 2 copies. It must include all the technical characteristics of the vehicle (model, options, year, number of miles traveled, the purchase price, etc. ...). Do not forget anything! Also made clear that the number of miles comteur is real and that the vehicle has never suffered a serious accident
Go look at your prefecture (or sub-prefecture), the certification of transfer of a vehicle. it will be completed by the seller. This document is required for registration in France.
Did you also ask the following points:
Ask the seller to provide you with a certificate of compliance original national
Ask also a contract of sale woman he has met.
Find out if the seller can bring you the book maintains.
Only buy a car that has a CT still valid. Otherwise you should pass it again in Germany and France.
Ask the seller if he keeps his license plates.
license plates: The German
have the particularity to keep most of the time their license plate. (If you know the reason, just mail me ...). This will require you to purchase temporary plates (German Rote nummer or Zollkennzeichnen or Ausfuhrkennzeichen). The price of the plates is quite expensive 80 Euros for 15 days, renewable once (Price 07/05/2002). During these 15 days, you can move freely in Germany. It should be noted that these plates are sold to you with insurance (Kfz-versicherung). So you're AsureR during this period. To purchase, you must go das automobile club ADAC "of the city. Then when you get the car, he will go to the "Verkersamt" to have your registration card (Grüne card). You can then burn your plates in the same center (with 45 Euros on average). Then still in the same center, you get the patch of the city that will stick to the plate.
All this may seem complicated but I will detail all the steps voluntarily so that you know what happens.
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the day of the Purchase
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Add appointment to the seller in preference to "Verkersamt" if he does not leave you when the plates or in a public place attended (parking station, etc. ...). Examine the car in every detail. Check everything and leave nothing to chance. Compare also the announcement and the actual condition of the car. Try also (Probefahrt). And if all you seem ok, now go to the papers that the seller must give you.
The German vehicle registration crossed with "sold the ..."
The European Certificate of Conformity (EU-Typgenemihung)
The VAT invoice or a certificate of sale German
The book maintains
The German Technical inspection certificate (TÜV), and the control of pollution (AU). Valid as in France 2 years for a used car. Make
sign your contract of sale made in French and complete the certificate of transfer
Is that all?
If the seller has to leave his plate, then yes. Otherwise see above for how to have temporary plates
--------------------------------- Return home
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How good to return to France, driving the car of his dreams. German highways are not limited, so no risk of fines. However, some portions of the panels is limited and not too light. It is not rare indeed to see a reminder of limitation when it was believed that this was not limited. I recommend a maximum speed of 150 to have no problem. Be careful though, the highways are beautiful and well but they are free also degraded and many are slowing down due to work. The pv
At last, if you "inherit" a pv driving your new car (already?). You do not have to pay. In fact, you will not receive mail from recovery in France asking you to pay your fine. (A foreign car in France made offense is immobilized until the owner pays the fine. I recommend you obviously do not respect the basic rules of conduct because the laws in the European Union are in alignment. And it may well be that at où vous lisez ces lignes, ce soit déjà le cas.
Formalités en France
Attention:Vous disposez d'un délai de 15 jours à partir de la date d'achat pour obtenir le quitus fiscal. Puis de 15 jours après l'obtention de ce quitus pour faire immatriculer votre véhicule
Vous êtes bien rentré en France? C'est bien, vous avez fait maintenant les trois-quart du chemin. Il vous reste à passez le Contrôle Technique (d'où l'idée d'avoir vérifier si la voiture était en bon state). Meanwhile you can go for the "tax clearance certificate, which will be issued in exchange for the submission of your identity card, certificate of transfer, and registration papers. (I think have nothing to forget).
Step, get a folder "Importing a car conforming to a CEE or French" (a file for importing a vehicle in the clear!) At the prefecture or sub-prefecture of your department . Assemble the file EXACTLY as it is written so as not to waste time, delays in obtaining the "certificate of identification" is very long.
Troisème, and final (?) Stage. Upon receipt of your certificate, run up your prefecture (or sub-prefecture) to finally register your vehicle.
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-------------------------------------------------- FAQ
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Why not a red patch and a yellow plate or plate normal? On
after what I know, the Germans keep their plates, as authorities keep them for prevent the movement of vehicles with false license plates or valid.
temporary plates (with an expiry date written on the plate) yellow are only valid in Germany. They are much cheaper than they export, but the plates are not valid for export.
Such cars traveling in France, even if the validity date is not exceeded, are in violation and may be immobilized on the field! The dearth of authorities who brought a lot to see on the roads. (Same principle as the WW plates. That are forbidden in France to go ABROAD)
The same temporary plates was described as red tape our friend are the only valid outside of Germany (EEC). Insurance is included with all valid papers + nail plates on the spot, it means a little less than 200 Euro.
However many people doing a little business of re-importation to France prefer to re-use of temporary plates previously used, even a yellow band, just to get a plate
to them to take responsibility.
It is yet another type of temporary plate, the plates are "seasons" with an expiry date general without color band.
I have no Certificate of Conformity European (EU-Typgenemihung)
This document is ask your return to France is a DRIRE either manufacturer.
MOT agent says I can not ask for a technical inspection if the car is still with German plates
You can quite apply for technical control and spend it with your temporary plates. The only thing is you have a cons visit when you're ironing your plate final. I spent my TB with my red plates, then head to the prefecture for registration with the CT, I get gray card so I'll retake the cons visit. In fact
where to buy the car in Germany is new? HT must adjust to the dealer, I think that's bizarre as practice, it does cause any problem?
It seems to me, you tell him it's for the return to France and he will normally provide you with some papers for you to pay VAT in France
Meanwhile he spun me a GC with a registration "WW". Stupid question: are we forced to ask real plates at 30 € for the registration? especially that it is valid for three weeks? If you roll
you gonna do with so ask your plates WW, if you leave the farm in a garage in the meantime.
If I understood, TUV if no longer valid, it is not possible to bring the car in France (except tea)?
TUV none other than the CT french. It must be valid for two reasons:
-most evident in wholesale to ensure you t'etat car
-certified to receive your provisional registration (gruene karte)
If the seller is a professional, he must necessarily provide TUV? Ca
I have no idea. I think so unless the teacher tells you otherwise
If the previous owner leaves the original German plates and ensures that the car in France (companies agree) with these numbers, is there any Problems?
yes, it must be good, but not Reglo-Reglo're in germany as a point view allde law. But you never
we let the German plates normally ...
If you get stopped by the cop in France you will have some problems unless they are understanding.
What is KBA
visit: http://www.kba.de
is the state agency that deals with everything that revolves around Auto / traffic / car registration / license
The equivalent of a department of motor
No Fahrzeugbrief is there a way to retrieve the KBA?
No, was avoided.
what difference between Zulassungskarte (commonly called Zulassung) and Fahrzeugbrief ?
What VAT should I pay for a vehicle more than 6 months and more than 6000km? Used car
deemed not VAT
What payment can I use? What will we call the vendor on site to be secure?
The safest is the liquid (Bargeld). Otherwise ask a certain vendor German bank transfer (Überweisung).
The easiest way I think it's the liquid with a contract (french or german) on which state the amount and mode.
A contract is even better and should be sure to understand because if the shit German vendor may say that the contract being in french it was not included ....
Les contrats ADAC sont bien clair, précis, et facile à comprendre. J'en ai un rempli je peux le scanner et commenter les rubriques de facon a ce que vous demandiez au vendeur cet imprime que vous pourrez aisement comprendre avec mes explications....
A qui demander le certificat de conformité européen (Audi ou DRIRE) ?
Faut-il faire une demande d'identification ? Vers qui ?
Le certificat de conformite et la demande d'identification correspondent au meme papier.
Soit demander au constructeur (plus cher mais rapide) ou a la DRIRE (moins cher mais plus lent)
un jour on m'a parlé d'une ville en allemagne ( florence ou un truc commme sa, je ne me souviens more) or on Saturday he yavait a big market! or are sold
vehicle is that its still there?
is that prices are interresting?
is there anyone among you who is already going over there? A
avoid unless you seek muddles and problems ... How Win
Basically with the outward and return drive a German car costing repatriate 700/800 euros in cash while ! (CT, registered in France, temporary plate, the train and go essance toll of return, etc. ...). So if it is to earn 200 euros on the price in France that is not the cost. Count being at least a reasonable difference de 2000 euros (soit 1200 euros d'economie nette) pour que le deplacement soit avantageux.
la Verkersamt est elle-ouverte le week end
En general, c´est comme les admninistrations francaises, mais en pire. En general ouvert de 8h à 17h au plus tard.
est ce qu'il accepte les cheques de banques francais?
Possible avec l'evolution de l'europe mais le vendeur n'acceptera pas.
carte grise : der Fahrzeugbrief
certificat de mise hors circulation allemand : "Abmeldebescheinigung "
direction assistee : SERVO, (servolenkung)
Fermeture centralisee: ZV,(Zentraverriegelung)
4 vitres electriques: 4xEFH, (Elektrichesfensterheber)
Airbarg: AIRBAG
Boite 5 : 5x Gang
siege chauffant : Sitzheizung
Toit ouvrant electrique : ESSD;Elektrichestahlschiebedach
Interieur velour : Velour Sitze
Radio : R/C Radio
attache remorque : AHK, Anhängerkupplung
sans garantie, pour export ou professionnel : NUR EXPORT ODER HANDLER
prix ferme : Fest Preis
prix negociable : VHB/verhandlung basis
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