Here's a little twist to spice up the affair
Hello Miss Angelle,And now the machine is restarted:
I'm Welsh Miss France, the French student of Master Jefferson.
Master Jefferson unfortunately had health problems, he can not answer that before long I'm afraid: (
He was interned in the hospital Psychatrie Sand Diego because he freaked out further last week, he said the voice of Bertrand Laborit everywhere!
In the office we are still trying to classify all its files and see if he has not done almost anything in his folly because it was very very weird and told all the time that Mr Laborit followed him!
He became totally crazy!
I'll take your case and see what we can do.
Can you remember where you are??
Miss France Welsh
Jefferson and Associates
Hello Miss Welsh,We'll go slowly:
I'm very disappointed for the poor news that you just told me on my side Miss.Je pray for Miatre Jerfferson recovered very quickly.
I would also like to apologize for the way I behave toward you. [Woullla, her delirium sec] I was very hard on you during my procedure for my transfet fonds.Maitre Jefferson told me.
I am very glad it was you who took the front of things, because I beuacoup things to ask you and tell you about this transfer is still not effective on my side Miss .
Tell me how you made the virment and why you do not demand a receipt transfet after transfer. I want to know the name of the Bank that made the bank transfer.
I remind you that I have not yet received the receipt that will allow me to regain possession of my money.
I hope that all other aid recipients have already had their share! [But what she has to fuck??]
I am in Cote D'ivoire, precisely in Abidjan.
Rummage very well in the emails I sent Master Jefferson, you have my address.
I ask you to give me an explanation and clearly being clear about this process m'aboutit EVER!. [HAHAHA]
I hope you read my mail very well and you also notice that I'm at the end of my patience Miss.
I need as quickly as possible to receive this transfer.
Scan and send me very quickly.
chosetres Pray a lot to me, he want to hear anything like this favosa received is found or I do not know what.
I am really sorry for the tone but inquietude.cette understand my money is all that remains for me to recover owe Miss took them all.
I hope you are with me for granted on this plan and that you will help me in that direction!
Miss Angelle Gabie
Hello Miss Angelle,Funny as they combine elements sent by several different people, tout ça pour essayer d'accélérer les choses :
You confuse me with our Secretary Mrs. Jennifer Gardner was she who went to the bank first, when Mr. Jefferson was Ireland. Unfortunately it was a bit tired and had given a wrong account number. The bank had to cancel.
I'm looking in the papers of Mr. Jefferson.
I'll keep you posted!
Miss France Welsh
Jefferson and Associates
Bonjour Miss Gallois,
je vous remercie pour l'information et j'aurai besoinde votre aide ,vous et Miss vous devez travailler en collaboration avec elle car elle est meiux placer et connait tres bien cet dossier .
Vous devez lui posez quelques questions au sujet de cet dossier et j'espere qu'ave son aide vous reuissez a me sortir de cet trou .
je suis toujours dans l'attente de vos nouvelles .
et j'espere avoir de bonne nouvelles Miss Gallois
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