Monday, September 29, 2008

Richard Christian Hunting

I really count on you! Hello Miss Welsh


Mail collector

Hello Miss Welsh,

Thank you for all your efforts to make my transfer can be done.

Thank Miss Gardner on my part to these efforts as well.
Miss Thanks for your question, but I see you know me too! Jefferson and unfortunately Master and My Godfather Bertrand Laborit are at your side to better explain my situation of life here in Ivory Coast.

is a very long histoire.cette photo on my license, she is beautiful Radiant and yes I am aware that it reminds me tantdis souvenir.j good 'had gained weight, I wore contact lenses, my eyes look very good! in any case I was very nice to crack all the guys from the FCC.
the lifetime of my parents I wanted for nothing, I fesiat always very good to go anywhere!
Because my parents were wealthy parents and very respected.
Their death was very diffcult for me and I'm even at all research by mafia person who seeks me to make me the skin.
So I change all my plans PHYSICAL more I had the luxury of living with my parents.

I hope to find this feminine beauty that I had before. And the money you need to transfer me to the following account is all that remains for me to continue my studies

I trust you, why I made this confidence and hope that Miss Welsh is the same with you.

I hope to hear from you and very fbonnes news about my transfer Miss.

Good Day Miss!

Angelle Gabie
(emphasis added by me.)
Good I was a little taken, took me a week to respond to this monument:
Hello Miss Angelle,

I am really sorry for the delay of this message. We struggled to restore order in all the papers of Master Jefferson. He really fucked up before leaving, it's a real mess!
Know that brothel is currently under camisole and ban it out of the asylum. He was diagnosed as dangerous madman: (: (

We found the certificate of inheritance and transfer (in copie jointe), mais pas le document intitulé :
"Demandes non négociables à mademoiselle Angelle Gabie Koffi"
Il semblerait que Maitre Jefferson dans sa folie ait tout inventé et falsifié le document pour soutirer des photos de vous !! C'est totalement inadmissible et il a été radié du barreau.

Il reste donc à vous verser la somme de 34 500 dollars.

Pour accélérer les choses, nous avons pensé à un moyen :
Dans une semaine, le 6 mars, notre conseiller financier Maitre Cornwell et moi même devons aller à Cotonou au Bénin pour régler des papiers on another urgent issue.

Could you come in Cotonou, we could physically meet you and Koffi We Miss Cornwell Master and Miss Welsh?
We will deliver by hand the 34 500 dollars and all would be resolved.

We arrive Wednesday, March 5 at night in Cotonou, we have a slot free on Thursday 6 in the afternoon.

Keep us posted.


Miss France Welsh

Jefferson and Associates
same time, I will also conduct a informal correspondence between France and Angelle on personal messaging France. By sending him pictures of another model and I hope to bring in Benin ...


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