Meanwhile, in Vera Cruz ...
I started a small private correspondence between Galois France, on his personal email, and our national Angelle.
My goal: Bait with photos of beautiful girls, for trophies, of course, and to successfully move the Abidjan ...
From: France WelshI dive into the surreal yet once. But it does not come in Benin: (
To: koffi Angelle
Subject: Seeing ....
Angelle Hello!
I hope this message will not make you too afraid ...
I have a little shame, I take the trouble to write on my personal email because others read the firm's mail ...
I until we can be in Africa next week ...
Come on, I start ...
I'm bi, I have always been attracted to female bodies and moved me all your photos right on ...
I hope you will not mind telling you that ... But I felt full of chills and I'm just thinking of you ...
If you could be next week, I'd be in heaven ...
Angelle ...
Oh I am ashamed. But that does not get out of my head: (
Do not take it wrong, please reply soon ...
France (PS, we can tu? )
(PPS: do as if nothing had happened on the other address ...)
She proposes instead to go to Cote d'Ivoire:
From: koffi Angellebargaining looks hard ... But I have some strong arguments;)
To: Welsh
France Subject: I want to see Miss Welsh!
Hello Miss Welsh,
It's always a pleasure to read you miss, and you know that words do not bother me. I beg you. do not be ashamed of you . because you are a very good and honest.
I think if you want us to see as I told you I am very pleased Miss you come from Ivory Coast if you do gene not Miss.
I will pay the return ticket, trust me. [That's right yeah]
is the only way to help me, I think that you will not disappoint me when you see me in flesh and bone!
I want you to see a picture if you do not mind because I have to pick you up at the airport if you are ever accorded to come up for Miss Cote D'ivoire.
thank you for your understanding.
NB: Do you call me?
answer me very quickly
Miss Angelle
Tel: 00225 May 14 XX XX
She asks me my picture? Better!
Hello Angelle
Hope it bother you if I tu.
is my picture. It was taken this summer when I had arrived in California. It's really a great country. Here they do not smoke much but I have brought this dirty habit of France:)
You know I do not think I could come in Cote d'Ivoire. We're going to Benin next week, but how is from Benin, Cote d'Ivoire?
is definitely easier for you! You must know well the non?
Send me your news soon, if you have other photos please do send me too!
(also responds to the other firm's mail, I would not like others to know that I've contacted with my personal mail ...)
A plus!

It may be hot:
Subject: I am counting on your good faith, my dear!course I do 'll never pay attention to his requests for phone. She continues to believe that I will go to Ivory Coast following its desires, or we will go through Western Union ... Will they never understand anything?
Hello Princess France,
I am very very to read you, I enjoyed listening your picture. You is sublime, you are very beautiful you can not you embarrassed me I'm also tu aged it!
Listen it is very easy to come from Benin, Cote Divoire very expensive counting on you to give me a very good answer. One thing is on my side, I can not make myself seen in Benin my financial condition.
I'll see you for all you know? but I think if you really want to see that you understand that I am suffering financially and that this legacy is all that I have left on Earth to resume a normal life my beloved France.
Listen why you do not take it upon myself to transfer this by WESTERN UNION.une very interesting alternative Miss France.
Many Posts You make me on my details and you send me my references by mail.
Why do not you call me for us to discuss it a bit to live voix.j would love to hear you well Miss France.
I expect a favorable response from you if you really love me my dearest France.
Write to me very soon ...............
Angelle Gabie
Hi Angelle .....Well, it tramples:
It is night-night I come home, we had fun! I think of you.
I do not know if I could come in Cote d'Ivoire, as you know we
Thursday free in our journey ... This is far Cotonou and Abidjan?
As you make to go from Cotonou to Abidjan?
You have much better knowledge me why you, right? It would not be more simple
if you tried to come ....?
Tell me about yourself .... What do you do in life then in Cote d'Ivoire
? I hope it's not too hard ...
You should not have more photos of you?
It would make me very happy to see you more relaxed than on other photos ...
And promised I am sending you more too:)
In addition,
good night my dearest France,
I am very happy to read you and I am a little anxious acr I see that you can not think of coming to get me out of this mess my very relies heavily on you.
I want to see you, and I'm stuck now. I have to explain conditiond life was very difficult here in Ivory Coast. I can not afford to pay.
understand me please you and make a effort.ecoute I am very anxious I have not mind up to send you more pictures of me because I'm not even sure we'll see.
answer me frankly my dear France, I want you to leave on Monday in a western agency relationship with my heritage and you to send me my money in several sending Miss France. [She continues to want things ...]
I also reassure you that my life is not rosy here ok, I expect that money to me again.
me speak frankly about how my money we're going to find a way to get my money comes from me.
if I'm very reassured that my money on arrival in ivory can be spoken of us as you want and as you hear my dearest.
but for now I am very concerned about my heritage miss understand me. Sometimes I'm nervous because jerfferson master made me see all colors [HAHAHAHAHA] and then nothing is done until today.
StPO then respond very positively about the opportunities that I've just sayings to send me my money very quickly, Miss France. [I call Genevieve on!]
I am waiting to read you.
I kiss
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