Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jeff Hardy Flash Game

Private Correspondence 6

Inevitably this puts new rage and she gets excited about private messaging France:

mail The entire collector is:
Hello France,

How you been me do such a thing, I who had confidence in you France.Pourquoi you want me to take my inheritance. this sum back to me right and no one can force me to take it as you're doing Miss.

is rather I who am very disappointed in you, I speak of my money and you are pictures of me that you interesse.On always says "Good accounts make good friends".

I heritage of this sum from my very dear Sir Bertrand Laborit and I have all the documents that prove ok.Si you really want to be honest with God and against you even France, thought a bit and finds a soulution to send me my money very rapidment ok.

But you treat me to Escro!! why you do me one thing pareille.Vous want to deprive me to live is it!
What have I done tell me frankly France !!!!.

One thing I always understand it, why in the proceedings there was aucin incident happens to my money in my account. Y 'it all sort of problem??

is because I am in Africa that you want me to chew Hien answer me.
You know that happened to your dear Mr. Jefferson? Mr.
this would never return my money, it was pretexts always, send me an juqu'a FALSE received transfer, but God has made my struggle until that is there or is it actuellement.parait he heard the voice of my very dear Bertrand across the harassing!!

So think very carefully about what you are about to make me and know that everything on earth pays des Hommes France Welsh very expensive.

NB: to know that I think of you and I have not forgotten the promised pictures but I am very disappointed toi.Nous would have some very good friends, but it is not your wish France

I awaiting your reply.

I do not know what my poor Angelle!

This is not me who made that decision, Ms. Cornwell and Madamme Gardner who made that decision.
I have not had my say, I'm an intern me!

But it scares me a lot with all their stories of fraud and scam artists (

I ask myself lots of questions now: (I'd love to help but I do not know how: (

I understand that you doubt me, I'm sorry: (But know that I tried everything to convince them and they would not listen!

I know what to do: (

She continues in her delirium:
Hello to you my very dear France,

I just got your message and I'll read with established heart and full of sadness. I know that ti're nothing to do with this decision but I still can not understand why such a decision against me?
Am I a liar or do what I did to deserve such a decision on the part of Mr. Gardner and Ms. Cornwell?

You got confidence in me and share?
Very sincerely, I ask you to trust me, I could not lie to you to you and especially to you because I want too much to you and you plan too much for me.
Really, I ask you to help me and tell me how I could do to regain possession of my legacy, my money?

I think the last will of Mr. Bertrand must be respected and I think it would be very unfair of you / them from me this time.
I believe very sincerely that they want to rob me, mislead me to have control of my money is not fair. Help me my girlfriend.
Now you understand why, from the very beginning, I wanted to finish this transfer to speak love in the true sense of the word with you, you understand why now?

I ask you to believe me, do so raises more questions, or even doubt moi.C 'sentiment has no place here between you and me is something very strong that nothing can not shake. Masi help you understand that I am as you can and as you can but help me transfer this rgent on my account.
I am open to any suggestions from you, especially coming from you.

Good Evening my Belle France.

Hi Angelle,

As you know Mr. Cornwell is intractable and I do not have my say (

But I thought of something. You know that inheritance in this case must be paid to a charity.
Maybe you know in a sudden and I could push Mick to pay the deposit over there ? [I try to make the bait, but there is nothing to do ...]
I really know, I run ideas ...

Finally I returned to France in a week!
We keep in touch ... I am still awaiting your photos ...

This lasts for over 8 months ... Is this the end?


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