10 days later the poor thing gets excited, it should already be back in Benin?!
Hello Miss France,Go, I reassured her :
I still did not hear from you and it worries me bcp.
You do always come back from your trip?
good reception
Bonjour Angelle !!And I attach a small bonus pictures to drool on mugu behind Angelle:
Oui tout s'est bien passé, c'était vraiment un super voyage.
On est bien rentrés, j'ai pas beaucoup de temps là, mais sache que ça s'est bien passé, j'ai découvert plein de truc et ai plein de souvenirs dans la tête.
Mais je suis déçue je croyais que tu devais m'envoyer des photos ???
Toujours rien dans ma boite mail :( :( :(
Je te mets quand même une photo de moi prise à Cotonou, j'espère qu'elle te plaira !!
A Moreover,

His answer:
Hello my very dear France,Definitely it will be hard to have more photos ... I continue to bait:
You can not know how much I am very happy to read you because I was cmmencait m'inquiter for you. there was no net your Hotel in Cotonou?
Why hast thou not written since the Benin.oui I see I 'that you were very mimagine occupy my very dear France.
I am very sorry for the pictures of me that I could aps you send my cherie.j 'were a souffrance.j few have had indigestion for a few and lost a little weight. [Arf arf arf]
I was very concerned about the health comprends.mais my darling I promise that I will see my photos ok I promise!
Your beautiful pictures and a beautiful smile France.ahhh like I wanted you to come in Cote D'ivoire me. But it's not grave.je you'll come to Ivory Coast as soon as my TRANSFER is effective ok.tu am willing?
I am waiting for my result on my cherie TRANSFER. You know I count on you and your enormment colleague recuperrer helps me my money!.
good day and I jet'embrasse very strong.
Angelle Hello! Yes
in Benin have been very busy with our negotiations and deal with our three cases.
But the transactions have gone well in the end and it has even been very lucrative for us!
We did not have internet at the hotel unfortunately.
If we got the pure nights with Mick (Me Cornwell) is very lively at night Cotonou!
I'm sorry to hear that you had health problems!
I hope it's fixed now, you feel better! Tell me everything.
I always look forward to new pictures of you.
We took pictures with a little daring daring Mick in Cotonou, I do not know if I'll send them, I'm embarrassed!
Please just might be! I embrace
And I'm going to bed, it's getting late here!
A more
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