Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Son's Belly Is Swollen

comment following a comment ...

Following a post 1 st June on services for inmates with mental health problems, I received this comment.

Hi, I'm
stumbled upon your site ... my spouse is presently to Bordeaux for a sentence of 6 months ... after his third or two months we shall condition outside with the halfway house ... 3 days later my husband pete his boat and finds himself again at Bordeaux conclusion .. he is bipolar and crisis mania ¨ ° ... know need to understand the disease .. unfortunately my husband does not realize anything ... any way his first crisis dates back 20 years and it is a thing of the past ... I deplore correctional c is the omerta .. I have advised agent Higher to note that the illness of my spouse and I asked if I could have monitored the .. answer was NO .. then I do not care whether it is .. yet he calls me 2 or 3 times a day and I see he does not go well .. going to have to happen there qqchose serious before qqun has inside walls lighter: (

There are times where chance would have it, you're welcome.

At first I said I thought they were so thick not to give follow-up, then I remembered that I have already condemned the fact that therapies were not confidential and that in doing so, the detainees would not be truly open for fear of retaliation from correctional service. By cons they could give indications of whether or not undergoing therapy. It seems that in the event it is not followed, the wife would be the best person to convince him to go.

imagine how it must be difficult to combine with both the illness of his spouse and his imprisonment, I wish him courage and hope that this man will receive appropriate treatment ....

In the public as in life, common sense is pas toujours au rendez-vous. Un membre de ma famille qui souffre de schizophrénie s'est déjà présenté à la banque pour y retirer 50 000$ (il me semble) qu'il voulait donné à une personne inconnue. Heureusement, le bon jugement du gérant de banque a fait qu'il avait appelé un membre de la famille. Bien sur le geste était illégal, mais le bon sens a prévalu., ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas.... Grâce au bon jugement de ce gérant de banque, si un jour cet homme avait besoin de son argent pour avoir de meilleur soins, il n'y aura pas de problèmes.


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